Who can join? 

  • Anyone who is over age 25 years old as of current year September 1st (exceptions please email: admin@canadianchineseorchestra.com)
  • Instruments such as Erhu, Pipa, Dizi, Yangqin, Guzheng, Zhongruan, Daruan, Cello, Suona, Sheng, and Chinese Percussions are welcome to audition
  • For individuals with western instrument experiences (such as piano, violin and other instruments), you can audition with the western instrument but acceptance is decided upon your interests to start learning a Chinese instrument of your choice. You are required to find a teacher to teach you the instrument of your choice and take private lessons during your orchestra training season
  • Players who have had experiences learning the respective Chinese instruments and knows how to play D, C, G, B flat and F key scales

How much does CPCO cost?

  • Audition FEE: $20.00 (Payable during the audition)
  • The program fee is $450 for the current season. 
  • The orchestra is operated with two terms per season: 1st term from mid-September to January, and 2nd term from February to June. 
  • Applicants can choose to pay in one or two instalments for the season 

Late enrolment will be considered if there is at least 2/3 of the term remaining. Registration fee will be paid in full. 

Payment Option

  1. Once you received the email confirmation of the audition result and passed. You can E-transfer the fee amount to the orchestra account: info@canadianchineseorchestra.com
  2. Online Payment system through website is also available: www.canadianchineseorchestra.com (through PayPal or credit card)

What does a CPCO audition entail?

For first time joining members, auditions date and time will be arranged when application is received. You are expected to play a repertoire of your own choice (a song no less than 2 minutes and/or an exercise no less than 1 minute). You can choose the repertoire based on your comfortable level or with the help of your teacher. For percussionists auditioning, please prepare your most recently practicing exercises or works. 

*Returning members who have done an in person audition in previous seasons will be exempted from auditioning.

What is the time commitment for CPCO?

Rehearsals generally take place between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Sundays, occasionally from 3:00PM to 5:30PM. In addition to rehearsals, there are annual concerts, community performances, and various workshops and extra rehearsals with guest conductors. A schedule of the rehearsal times will be provided at the first rehearsal and after that point members are required to check weekly emails throughout the season and note all schedule updates. All members are strongly encouraged to continue their private music learning to ensure their progress in orchestral training and performance. 

During Rehearsals 

The following are a list of guidelines that we expect to be followed in order for the smooth and functional operation of the ensemble. We want to make the most of our time together. Please read the list carefully and sign the acknowledgment form page.

Rehearsal Rules (specifically in-person rehearsals):

  • Please arrive 10 minutes early for each rehearsal so we may begin promptly and on time. Please use this window of time for tuning and setting up your space
  • No food or drinks are permitted within the practice space. Water with a tightly sealed lid is acceptable

Rehearsal Rules (in general): 

  • Rehearsal time is not practice time, we expect each member to come prepared and well practiced
  • Please be prepared with your own music, instrument, and pencil
  • Respect for the teacher/conductor is paramount. Any conversations of dire importance or if your neighbour/friend needs assistance, please quietly excuse yourself so as to not disrupt the orchestra
  • If you must leave before the end of rehearsal time, it must be previously discussed and permitted by the conductor


  • You’re permitted 3 absences from rehearsal each year, any additional requires a doctor’s note or consent from the Conductor
  • Soloists require a doctor’s note for all and any absences
  • Please notify the conductor at least 24 hours prior to any absence
  • Absences which are excused from the above statements include: funeral services, school exams, and family emergencies. 
  • Attendances at Annual concerts and Performances are mandatory, for unforeseen circumstances members must provide a formal written letter explaining the reasoning of absence.