Joe Anderson – China Music Tour Reflection: The Air is Heavy with Music
Joe Anderson The 2018 Music Exchange Tour to China will be written in my memory for years to come, some pieces perhaps forever. China is the third [...]
Joe Anderson The 2018 Music Exchange Tour to China will be written in my memory for years to come, some pieces perhaps forever. China is the third [...]
Tingle Brenna Unforgettable Memories Over the course of two weeks, from July 13th to July 27th, I set out on a journey to discover and learn new [...]
Alexander Le-Nguyen The cultural exchange that I experienced in both Hong Kong and China was interesting. In sharing both knowledge and techniques about the instruments and our [...]
During the CYCO China trip, I performed with a lot of other people. I learned how to cooperate with other musicians and how to listen and pay attention to [...]
Sophie Luo As an Erhu player of the Canadian Youth Chinese Orchestra in 2018, I was given the wondrous opportunity to tour and perform in five different [...]
China Unbound: A Musical Journey November 17th, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School Theatre Free Admission As part of [...]
Saturday, August 25, 2018 Location: Hammerson Hall Mississauga Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 4B8 Celebrating its 15th anniversary, the Mississauga Active Senior [...]
The Canadian Chinese Orchestra is proud to announce our Summer Concert will be held on Sunday, June 17th @ 7:30pm at P.C. Ho Theatre. Come to join us for [...]
2018 May 27th 6:00pm Unionville Presbyterian Church 600 Village Pkwy, Markham, ON L3R 6C2 红枫青年华乐团 CYCO 老六板随想曲 - 改编 周嘉丽 吴立鹏 Lao [...]
著名本地藝術家周嘉麗和指揮家髙繼標先生領銜,紅楓華樂團主辦的「琴、情、緣」經典民族交響音樂 […]
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